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34' Woodside updated Reefer
Beck's Beer
Roadnumbers EL 38972, 38977
The Magnus Beck Brewery was originally founded by Joseph Friedman in 1840. Magnus Beck became a partner in 1855, taking control of the operation. The beer was promoted as "naturally smooth" and "Buffalo's Best." Closing during Prohibition, Beck's reopened in 1933 and operated successfully until 1956.
At the turn of the 19th Century, during America's Industrial Revolution, Railroads refurbished many of their well-built older wood-side cars for more modern use by employing steel underframes, Bettendorf trucks, and new brake systems.
Edelweiss 33’ Wood Side Reefer
39.00 €
DZ126 DCC Decoder
27.43 €
Wide vision caboose Union Pacific #13563
67.46 €