Sold Out
Santa Fe
Road Number ATSF 50256
Factory sold out !!!
This 40’ standard box car with double sliding doors is painted brown with white Santa Fe circle/cross and white lettering. It was built in June 1945 by Pullman-Standard, serviced in June 1978, and runs on Bettendorf trucks. Five hundred new Fe-26 class auto cars, series 64200-64699, from Pullman-Standard were the last 40’ double door cars purchased by the Santa Fe; automobiles grew rapidly in size after World War II and the Santa Fe began employing 50’ cars in automobile service. The entire Fe-26 class continued in auto rack service until the 1950s when renumbering and reassignment began. Two hundred ninety-nine cars from the series were shifted to general purpose lading and renumbered 50001-50309. The number of Fe-26s in revenue service declined in the 1970s, all were retired by 1985.
Rio Grande 2-Pack Set #3
53.98 €